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Is there an option to disable the little starting tutorial?   First time is great, after that it becomes a bit irritating since it pulls your camera around

I'm working on it :)


Hey! I really love your game!! It combines two of my most favorite genres of games! Horror and farming! I downloaded it to play earlier, but I'm having trouble with lag- it's not severe but makes it difficult to run from enemies at times. It may just be my device, but do you know of any ways of reducing the lag?


Thank you so much for your kind words <3
I'm working on a new version, and I'm planning to add a graphic option so people can play on a low end pc.


this game was excellent! i streamed it to a friend over discord and we had a great time (though there was admittedly a lot of surprised screams.) if anyone knows of similar free games, id love to hear suggestions on what i can surprise her with next! 

I'm so happy to hear that!


Very fun, I had a blast. Loved the looks to how to the played out. Keep it up!

So cool! I'm glad you like the game so much :)


Played this because it was popping up everywhere, didn’t know what to expect, I can see why it’s so popular, great game!

Cool video! Goodjob completing the game :)


Fun and horrifying! And very impressive for a smaller dev.

Death is pretty punishing since there doesn't seem to be a save state, so be aware of that if lost progress is something that frustrates you; think of it like Fear & Hunger, where you learn a little more about how to approach the game in every failed playthrough.

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad that you liked the game :)


Wow, this is great. Every game I play I feel like I learn something new and can get a little further. It's a bit frustrating to have to restart after 10-20+ minutes, but in the end it's a lot of fun. the art and animations are really well done. My one complaint is I want a way to murder the deer lol. (thats kind of a joke but if there was some sort of deer gun I would not complain)

Great job on this, can't wait to see and learn how to navigate new updates, as well as try and get to the boat!

Thank you so much for your comment!


The game was great! I really enjoyed the nice mixture of scary and calm, cant wait to see more of this!

Thank you for playing, cool video btw!


Loved the game! Just beat it today!

I want to say- The deer was really hard at first but I think it was perfectly balanced once you get the hang of it.

I definitly think there need to be mroe creatures! I'm an artist myself so If your interested I would love to give you ideas.

I think if you wanted to make the game longer, you could have the player go from teh boat to another island and maybe another after that in soft of a goal to get home or something liek that.

This game was so much fun and I would love to see more!!

I'm glad that you liked the game that much :)
Also thanks for the help and the ideas.



Thank you so much!!


please make a non scary version cause im a pussy and this game looks fire asf

Then the game wouldn't be fun :c

it would be a farming game which is fun imo

(2 edits) (+3)

I know this might be too much work but I would really like to play this multiplayer because I get creeped out and scared easily and then end up just leaving the game if you could make a multiplayer thing it would be nice and cool if you read this thank you even if you don't make it


I liked the game. I will be waiting for future updates! I wonder how this project will reveal itself in full potential.

Thank you so much!


wow gamenya lumayan menantang apalagi rusanya.... gila sih


I really want to play this but i cant if thats ok could you make a version for apple/macbooks? its ok if no that would take a long time

Maybe in the future I can do something.


This game has such an adorable style, haha! I just started playing and I can tell I'm going to play some more. I'm stuck at the clowns at the moment. I have trouble locating sounds so even with the headphones on I'm stumbling around quite a bit. I'm finally able to find the Happy Clown to get the balloon. My last attempt, I found the sad clown but had no indicator to give him the balloon and he killed me one second after. I guess I was too late still. Frustrating, but I'm getting better with each attempt!

Thank you so much! I hope you managed to complete the game :)


Love what you got going here.  I have complaints, but they're minor at best.  This could stand to be a much longer experience, more creatures to face, more farm elements to implement, and the fishing can definitely be expanded upon.  But I really like what I played, and I felt very satisfied when I finally escaped the farm.  Keep doing what you're doing and you're going to do great!  

Thank you so much, and thanks for all your feedback. Cool video btw <3


I really love this game. Especially the fact there are small difference in every game. Just saw for the first time how the thing in the well runs past you also in the fields. Cant wait to see where this game can go as it has so much growing potential 

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Love the game! But can someone explain to me what should I do when the clown doesn't give me the balloon, and then wants me to give it to him? I'm confused


The happy clown gives you the balloon, and once you have the balloon, you give it to the sad clown. If you can't find the happy clown and don't get the balloon, the sad clown will kill you. It happens once per night. Hope this helps!


just keep following the music that plays 


Thank you so much! Just follow the music first time you hear it and you'll get the balloon :)


I really love this game! Sometimes the deer would stop directly in front of the door, while I was hiding in the house. I think you can get out but I died 3 times because of it. Other than that I didn´t see any bugs or stuff like that :)
I hope this game gets more monsters and features, I´ll be looking forward to it ^^

(1 edit) (+3)

That's not a bug you can go close to the wall without leaving, the deer will tansfor and start running in one of the opposite direction of you and then after few seconds will transfor back to normal it's not gonna be staying at the door so you can leave the house safely.


You could just run outside to trigger it then run inside 

Thank you so much! I'm glad you love the game :)


Would really help if there were some visual hints for when the music changes, for people who are hard of hearing. Maybe as subtitles like [string plucking] or [calliope music]


Thank you for your idea!


I love this game, would love to see it come to Steam, just wish there was a save game system or a way to turn off permadeath 

I'm glad you like it so much!


Nice game, but can you please make it so i can save my game?Keep up the good work and this game might be popular one day


I absolutely love this game. It gives me the creeps I need. never thought a 2D game could make me jump so much. I played it today on twitch and my audience also loved it. I hope to see more maps, more creepy monsters and difficulty levels. No bugs detected :D keep going this is amazing


well good news the dev has plans for a new map pretty sure he said it was a town or something don’t get your hopes up as it would take a fair while just like all things 


that sounds amazing and well I am used waiting for games so no prob :D at least it won't be abandoned

Thank you so much!!


It just makes me dream again about a full Stardew Valley-like Game with horror stuff in it. Like disturbing discoveries about other villagers, nightmarish creatures during the night and stuff like that.


I had so much fun with this game , really enjoyed the " cosy " side of things then before long I was running around the garden sweaty and screaming. It was so fun 10/10 I really hope the boat ends up in a new farm and there will be a next chapter 

Thank you so much, of course there will be a new chapter :)


I really love this game! I just watched some YouTube vids about this game. Do you think you could make this game for Mac or even Nintendo Switch? 

This game definitely needs more attention! 

Thank you so much! I'll try to make the mac version soon, and a Switch version would be amazing.


reminds me of stardew valley and atomicrops


same here now 


I finally beat it! oh my gosh the deer is so rude, and making them still spawn during the night phase AHHHHHHHH. I have a really hard time with horror games and I know this one was probably pretty mild, but I was still shaking after my victory run. I like this game allot, but I'm never playing it again LOL


the deer is honestly fun during the night sure it can just appear but I find it fun trying to perdit where it is

Hahaha thank you so much for playing!

(2 edits) (+2)

sadly for me this game is too laggy, it needs an option to change graphics or else can't play , just at 10 fps :/


I am having the same issue, however, I may approach my fiance about attempting it on his computer. It looks so fun!

The graphics option will be available on the new version of the game. Please, be patient.


I couldnt finish it  but it made a amazing video :))

Cool video! Thank you so much for playing it!




Speedy boy

Good job!


I haven't gotten the game yet but plan on it. Just was wondering if you were planning on doing a multi-player option or a version two with multi-player? Cause me and a friend would love playing this together.

I'm not sure I can do a multiplayer version, but I might try in the future.


Very good game! however, I keep dying when the shadow thing comes out from under the bed during the skin walker's run around thing because i literally cant go anywhere- what do i do about this???


The shadow entity that comes under your bed is an mechanic that wont permit you to stay in your house for too long. And the skinwalker monster isnt out there forever.


yes but they both activated at the same time 😭 


I promise you they don't if you play it correctly! xD


*me, who just watched the shadow creature eat my ass as the skin walker rams it’s head into my front door after I stepped inside for 1 second* ah, yes, of course. It’s a skill issue. 


lmao yeah you right (i was staying in the house all night lmaooo)


hi!! personally i noticed that there's a certain noise that plays once the skin walker is done roaming! it just sounds like a very long violin(?) note, but i reccomend waiting until the note is completely done playing to go outside, it should only blow out one candle. 


It's a nice game and it did a nice job raising the creep factor. I kinda wish there was another monster that harassed the player as they ran to the house. I thought constantly different monsters would show up after 1 day but it was the same deer and clown. Besides that, nice job! 9/10 scared the living out of me! (the Kitchen nightmare sound made us laugh xD)

I'm glad you liked the game! Thank you so much for playing it!


Don't mention it! It was honor to play your game! ^^


this was a great play, hopefully we get some kinda expanded version in the future for a more long term playthrough, would love to sink my teeth into a more developed version later  


dev does have plans for a update in a few months or weeks I donno as I didn’t learn how to count past 4 


Hii! I just got the game so this is kinda just my questions as of now.. maybe I'll add more later when i get further in

Is there a way to stop the shadow figure from spawning in? do i relight the candles? can it leave the house?

how do i know when the skinwalker is coming? i believe its a violin sound effect, but i just wanna be sure :)

(1 edit) (+1)

For the candle issue just leave the house after awhile, if the deer is camping just trigger it and run inside. for the skinwalker you should start hearing a violin sound when it’s gone you hear a judge judy sound effect.


Thank you very very much! This'll be really helpful.

another quick question, how long does the day/night cycle last?

(1 edit) (+1)

around 2 windigo attacks so if you get attacked your half on time just from what I’ve gathered not 100% accurate but it helps keep management of your time and oil which each attack is anywhere from 3 - 6 minutes from my gusss


hey man, as far as ive personally figured the 3 candles in the house go out over time if you stay to long but just going outside for a little will reset them, even if a  skinwalker is outside you can dip in and out to at least slow down the candle  progression (if the shadow does spawn i dont think you can get rid of it i think its just now a new thing to keep track of in your run,

the skinwalker when coming will start making that kinda loud not music just noise shit then after what i can tell is about 3-5 seconds the skin walker will be close enough you can hear his violin noises usually just out of view of the camera is when you can hear the violin, and once you make it to your house you know its safe again when you hear a loud violin draw indicating he's gone

pro tip as said before you can dip in and out of the house if a skinwalkers there to slow candle  progression but you can also use this to when you dip out right after out of eyesight you will hear the violin as he agros on to you, but do this 2 - 4 times and suddenly you wont hear the violin when  you step outside, this is because when the skilwalker leaves i believe it  has to hit either side of the farms fences, but you only hear the violin draw string sound when his model is actually gone, you can use this dippin trip tech as i call it (sounded better in my head just gonna roll with it) to bassically get an extra few seconds freely to walk the farm right before the skinwalker actually disappears

 sorry for the text dumb i Love this game and have starrted speedrunning it
hope this helps man, Happy farming


what I do for speed running is constantly run in and out when the skinwalker doesn’t come towards you I run out as it saves time as it’s on a timer and that timer overrides the players hitbox so it’s safe to go out then


I'm going to try speed running not steaming or anything just gonna and I'll try the tips


I wonder if I will make it

(2 edits) (+1)

In under 45 mins.   (That was meant to be a sentence my auto correct is annoying)

(1 edit) (+1)

Warning ⚠️ Considerably long comment.   This game is amazing. at first I didn't understand anything like shadow me which I know with candles. The water well man which is for too much water and the clowns which are soooooooo creepy. And of course the wendigo and skinwalkers (fire running man is the wendigo I think and the deer for skinwalker) the deer is kinda annoying I died when they went on the clown so I couldn't get balloon and was too far even with Max speed to get to the house so I died to that. And the deer AGAIN frickin went on the crops that give the most (which was my priority) and took me forever to get the boat. But this game was amazing and I hope more things are added in the future. I have some suggestions myself 

1. New maps like wild West farm or an town map where for the wild West map you maintain your animals and collect eggs,milk etc. But at night the animals not so friendly now. and for the town maps I think that you bond with the people so they give resources but at night they turn into skinwalkers and do anything to get inside 

2.Modes. An easy mode where it saves every night/monster attack less often and angered skinwalkers is slower/player is faster in general, or an nightmare mode which it's always dark upgrades are 1.5x expensive and crops need 2 splashes of water to move one level up.

3.Seasons. Winter mode where it's harder to see and crops have a 50/50 percent chance to grow bad and will sell less. Summer mode is just normal mode as well with spring. and with fall leaves fall on ur screen and you are slowed due to leaves idk how but poof SLOWED

4.Monster. New monsters or an monster log to say all monsters you have encountered they won't reveal untill they are on the screen and then it will say how they work if you die to it. For new monsters maybe a parasite that destroys crops (to counter is like an anti parasite seed) or maybe some traveler that asks for 75-200 coins within one day (only appears after best farm unlocked) if you help the next day no monsters will appear except for wendigo the running man and shadow you. If you don't help he will remove 10 randomly selected crops from farms but not the first 2 farms ( here is what I mean he removes 10 crops from the last 3 farms so not the middle or top right farm)

And lastly 5. An animal to scare off the skinwalkers deer. 35 percent chance when an skinwalkers appears it will get eaten and 65 percent to scare it off.

If you read this all of if you skipped half or all this is the end of this comment


For the few first times you where on about a monster log I thought you where on about a monster in a log lol.


Yeah it's confusing 


Just kinda how short circuited my brain is, as it is powered by a random man running on a hamster wheel.

Thank you so much for all your feedback and ideas, it helps me a lot!


no problem I love helping developer's with ideas


Could you make new game modes? Like an easy mode and you could save in easy mode or an nightmare mode where it's always dark and monsters appear faster. This is just a suggestion.


Imagine a nightmare mode. The game's already tough, but it's a great idea, and I hope it goes far.

Personally, I'm trying to share it as much as possible.


would make the game more enjoyable for tryhards like myself. I always relish a good challenge when it comes to games.  - nattergerry


Yeah  I think I hear something about this game going on steam so if the dev  saw this then maybe they will put an update for itch and put it in steam?


Yea, also heard some stuff about a discord server in awhile.




Is An Android Port Possible?

Not for the moment, but maybe a future thing.

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