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i hope this comes to steam

It will soon :)


I did not do well my first run through, but i definitely will give it another go! 

Thank so so much for your gameplay <3





I’ve been playing this for a month now speed running or just having fun. This feels extremely selfish to ask and I’m glad you’re even continuing to add more content. Do you have a time estimate on any new updates? I’m dyingggg for more! 

2024 for sure!


Do you plan on releasing this for more than pc? I’d love to play this on my switch.. if not, may have to steal some time on my husbands pc 👀

Hopefully I can release it on Switch in the future 


sorry, if i could, i would pay a hundred dolars for this game.

Anything is fine to support development :)


great game , we need part 2

Thanks! I'm working on a new level!

(2 edits) (+1)

jogo e muito bom, e um otimo jogo para passar o tempo, porem 40- 60 minutos e pouco para qm curtiu o game, si tivesse mais coisas no jogo ou sla seria top, mais eu entendo o lado do desenvolvedor, não e so cria o jogo e tara tudo expandido precisa de trocado para adicionar mais coisa no jogo, boa sorte desenvolvedor e que venha mais atualização no game e q venha a tradução em portugues brasil


I had to give this game a second try ! It is so good!


Thanks for playing :)

I plan to play this again !! Im going to play it until I can beat it !! Really awesome game ! I hope to see more like this !


Loved the game I hope some day there will be a multiplayer mode. I would play this game for hours!

Thank you so much for your video!


awesome game

telling everyone to play it

hype for any updates in the future

Thank you so much for supporting :)


Really awesome game that truely got me scared. Especially the time i tried to pet that deer...

Are you planning on releasing more levels ? i'd love to play more of this :3


Thank you so much! Yes, I'm making a new level!


Is there any chance you'll release the game for linux?👀

Hopefully in future


I can't believe I died to the deer two times lol. I'm definitely gonna have to come back to this game. Super fun.

Cool video!!

Thank you so much man. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

(1 edit) (+3)

I noticed sound cues are very important for this game, perhaps a deaf friendly version that finds ways around this?


I have an idea about that actually, maybe if something sees you there's an exclamation mark above the players head, and the clown..... idk


I'm working on accessibility for the audio cues :)


I did my best to put a creature walkthrough together since I get so many questions :3 still so excited for the next level!


That's fo well made and helpful, thanks for sharing :)


Hey guys! Serious question, is this good?





I have many questions


Skill I guess?


he definitely cheated


Nah man i'm just REALLY good.


Simplesmente um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei, a imersão e tensão que o jogo passa é indescritível... me passou uma vibe de Don't Starvey, amei! Meu jogo preferido.

Tudo é perfeito desde a trilha sonora a arte, uma verdadeira obra de arte.

Really thank you :)


Not sure if this is a problem with my pc settings but my 3070 (prebuilt) goes crazy when i play this game, i think its because its constantly trying to get the highest fps amount, so an fps cap setting would be nice 

fps should be capped at the max of your monitor i think. I play on a 1060 and it's everything fine, so, idk :(


It is planned to add a multiplayer mode?

No for the moment, but maybe I can try in the future.


I really want to test the game, but I'm going to save some money first to help the developer

Thanks for your support! <3


Are there any plans to update this? It seems like a really fun game.


Yes, I'm developing a new level




This is a masterpiece. This game deserves more love, please add more, I beg.


I will for sure :)

(2 edits) (+2)

I really enjoyed the game, and had a couple of quick time action jump scares thanks to the "CREATURE" would love to see more

More "things" will come


Amazing experience 



i just got it to work again  awesome game

Well, what did you do? Maybe it can help other person.


 I played it was very fun but then when I closed the game I could not open it back again it said this application cannot be exuctued or smt like that I probably. so i hope someone can make a vid or smt to help me love the game peace



this game NEEDS to be multiplayer. but this game is SOOOO good
i love this game


This game is amazing! very creative and fun, i loved this game 

Thank you so much :)


i cant get it on my apple mac book pro please make it avaliable to me so i can play this game


Add a peaceful version for scared cats like me lmao. But in all seriousness that would be a really great edition for people that get scared easily like me or just want to play an actual peaceful farming game.


Sorry, but i think if you want a peaceful farming game, just play Stardew or something else. This is an horror game so I don't think I'll make a peaceful mode :(


thx for this perfect fun game , i'm so sorry i that i can't support you with any donation i can't afford the money , but your game is very good for an endie game , keep up brother

Thank you so much, you can help me just sharing the game :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Це неймовірно крута гра. Саме то щоб пограти після роботи ввечері 10/10. Крутий графон, цікава механіка. Хочеться сюжету, більше ворогів в день, бо якось легко грати і просто цікавих приколюх. Жду апдейтів, якщо будуть

Рекомендую всім!

Thank you so much for your feedback :)


This game is really good, I finally was able to beat it after my 4th attempt.

Could it be possible to implement a hard-mode after completion, where the creatures are more aggressive, maybe the deer would get faster as days go on or randomly transform making you have to keep an eye on it more., the candles in your house will go down faster.

Also would it would be great to have achievements like: fastest time, no lantern run, didn't touch the deer, didn't wake up the shadow person.

Overall, great game!


I said the exact same thing

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for your ideas! It can be really fun.


Really enjoyed playing the game. I kept getting scared and popping up the steam keyboard for some reason. 

Thank you so much for your gameplay! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

Are you working on mobile version?


Please! work on mobile version too.


i clicked on play button, my screen went black and it kept crashing This Is my 7th attempt if this doesn't work I'll try the outdated version.

I'm sorry to hear that! Any idea what it could be?


This game is sooo amazing, like I can't even believe a farming game could be so entertaining. I can't find room to complain, because this game is well-made into a simple and terrifying experience. Perhaps in the future they'll be more monsters, or a batch of new content for me to place my nose in-between.


Thank you so much for playing it! Yes, there will be new enemies and maps...

idk if there is any yet bc im very new to the game but, will there be save options?

(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately there isn't yet.


this game NEEDS to be multiplayer. playing co-op don’t starve together and cult of the lamb, this game would be so freaking fun if we could play it with friends. 


Hey there!
First of all, the game is awesome. It took me 3 tries to finish it and I loved it. I wanted to try again, but since I'm not exactly a speedrunner I decided that I wanted my own "100% game" instead, which includes buying every clothing piece, buying every upgrade, catching every fish, and leaving the island while all 5 crop fields are full of crops ready to be harvested. I'm almost there but I can't catch the last fish. IS there a fourth fish at all or are there only three and I'm being a dummy wasting over an hour trying to catch a non-existent fish? 


Anyway, I achieved everything else I wanted so I'll accept my 99% gameplay and call it a day. xD But I got the 5 full crop fields, the clothes, and the upgrades so I'm quite satisfied even with only 3 fish. Love the game.

I'm glad you liked the game so much. and goodjob on your 99%! There are 3 fishes and one more thing (10% dropping) so I think you had very bad luck :(

Oh, what a shame. But at least now I know I have a reason to play it again, so I can find that last "thing" too. ^^ Thank you!

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