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Hey bro did you quit make updates and games?

Asking because people liked your games for speedruns.

i wish u could use this on  chrome book. i really wanna play this

great game by the looks of it, shame I can't download it on my Mac for some reason. seen plenty of play throughs  of it. multiplayer would be fun, and more monsters. maybe more areas to explore and more friendly npcs? maybe like stardew valley/terraria but as a horror game?

This clown freaked us out big time!

Really cool game

im so sad that its not available for mac :( looks like such a fun game!

i'm pretty sure you can use wine, or parallels desktop with a windows vm

use whiskey! ( i use it for windows games all the time and it WORKS super easy to set up -fellow mac user


Absolutely fantastic game, the design is adorable, I am IN LOVE with the paper cutout style, and the monsters are so creative, I conned my sis into playing it and when she found out what the deer did she FREAKED. We then tricked her boyfriend into playing it lol, scared the crap outa him. A multiplayer version would be AWESOME! Like, with different difficulties. Like maybe the deer approaches faster, the clowns music box is shorter, etc. Really excited to see where this game goes, it's my favorite rn!

i second this, multiplayer would be so cool

i loveeeee this game !!

(2 edits)

Very interesting premise! Some other commenters have offered good praise that I wholeheartedly agree with. I'd like to call attention to a few places that I think could use constructive criticism.

Right now, the clown and crawler have sounds to tell you when they've arrived. I believe a game should still be playable even when muted. A spooky visual just before the crawler shows up or leaves, and one based on distance to the clown would make the game a lot more accessible.

Speaking of the clown, I will admit that I had to look up a video to learn how to deal with it. My first reaction was to stay away from the music box sound. There is a piece of paper on the door that explains things, but that can be missed - perhaps if the paper was placed inside the house? Or on the door.

I absolutely loved the huge circle of paving stones around the well. Even when in full darkness, I could always tell where the well was based on either its fill prompt or the sound of rocks under my feet. That's important for a place that you're visiting constantly. I also really liked that the house stays lit at night, which is good for getting oriented. Very good game design!

Small nitpick, but I definitely think that lamp oil should increase in price with every purchase. If you use the lamp carefully, by the time you actually need a second refill, 24 coins is very inexpensive. Making the price rise over time would build tension and encourage escape.

The other big criticism I have is the ending, or more specifically the lack of a crescendo. The boat needs four gears. Since you can only hold two at a time, I was expecting the game to get harder once the repairs started. I even saved 4,000 coins just in case I needed to leave quickly. The progress bar for fixing is a perfect place for a jumpscare, or for introducing some final test. Not difficult, just tense. It shouldn't kill people unless they really mess up...

I really liked how nighttime, the clown, and the deer made the game harder over time. Unfortunately, after learning from the deer, the game is basically won (unless you make a mistake). I do still like the current ending... I was tensed all the way through, but a final challenge would have been very satisfying.

I may sound like I'm being hard on this game, but I promise that's because I love it so much. The polish is incredible. I just couldn't put it down until I'd beaten it for good.

Thank you so much for reading. Cheers!

A very good game, but i would like you to add multipalyer plssss!

i REALLY hope this game eventually gets expanded upon because its way too good for it not to be

Excellent great job


i want multiplayer of this game.


YES so good idea

the game is fun and challenging 9.5/10

이 게임은 정말 재미있고 짧지만 정말 흥미롭게 즐겼습니다. 하지만 저는 소리를 듣는데에 문제가 있어 괴물이 나타나도 화면에 들어오기 전까지는 알아챌 수 없습니다. 괴물이 나타났을 때 소리를 포함하여 화면이 붉어지거나 흔들리는 등의 또다른 효과가 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 이런 게임을 개발해주셔서 정말 감사합니다!

This is a true gem! It's challenging but enjoyable, and there's a certain eerie charm to it.

I've only seen people play it online and am unable to play myself because I only own a laptop and am unable to play. If this game were to ever have a browser version, I would be addicted. Still, the game is amazing and I believe more people should play it.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is absolutely incredible!! From super cute art, an interesting premise, to an addictive game mechanism. I'd easily pay 10-15€ for this on Steam. My only regret now is that it isn't longer, as I'm so hooked on the game now. :')

Hopefully, there might be some second episode of this game in the future or perhaps an entirely new, but somewhat similar game from the same creator soon. Until then, I'll be counting down every day until it happens.

I love this game! I want it on my switch

I agree, this would be very fun on Switch.

This game is good and I like it. But I don't do well with horror games... at all. So I can only play a for a few minutes without getting spooked (skill issue). But yeah, good game. Keep it up.

this game is so goooood! I'm excited to see how you improve the game!

Though I love it I must say that there was a moment where the camera angle changed a lot and it became really difficult to play and even more to see the deer. I'm guessing that's a bug. If you wanna see what I mean check the video at 19:10

Good luck with the development of this game! You're doing great!

(1 edit)

that camera thing happens when you use the scroll wheel on the mouse. Its not a glitch, just a lesser known feature.

Ooh ok but also I tried to make it go back to normal by pressing buttons and even scrolling, but when I tried to scroll back to normal it immediately zoomed again, like if it was really trying to keep me with that view

That may be a glitch because I can't find anything about it doing what you are describing.



good good good good good goood goood good good good good


Deer is dark horse. 

So funny. GREAT!

This game is SO HECKING SCARY, especially with no save system it makes everything super high stakes. The monsters are 10/10 scary, and the art style is super cute.

Android versión please :)

Really good job. Really fun and spooky and I wish I'd of gotten further. Maybe adding a way to save occasionally would be a little better. Sounds were really good and made it more creepy. Awesome job!

Absolutely fantastic! Would give it a 11/10. The atmosphere is amazing and creepy, the art style is the best and overall the game is very well made! Also, I really appreciate that it's free, considering the game is this good. I would love to see a full version with more content!

Lacking a few quality of life features, but an incredible game already!  

If you ever wondered what "Don't Starve" would be like if it was a bit more like Harvest Moon and Silent Hill, this is the game for you.  The required tutorial every time you restart is pain, but I really hope it gets an update to really make it shine! 

this is the best game I ever played :

i absolutely love this game my only gripe is that theres no saves please add save games !!! <3


congrats ur the 9000000th post


i love this game i was scared at first cause i dont play horror game but i love this game


(I hyperfixated and wrote a super long review because of how much I got impacted by the game, but since it doesn't seem to allow me to submit it, I'll post it here. Spoiler alert ahead if any new player passing by don't want any details of the gameplay)

It took me a while to try this game, mostly because horror atmospheric games that keep you tense are a bit too effective on me. And OH MY GOD I don't regret at all finally playing it, I spent the whole afternoon and evening on it ! I love every aspect of it, I can't find anything I would change about it personally, only few suggestions that I think could be nice if they're ever used !

The audio :

It's incredible. All the eerie noises are really effective, from the crawler's noises to the random short noises in the ambiant at night. It kept me tensed so much more, especially since I was wearing headphones. And I'm really impressed at the steps noises changing depending where we are walking. The noises that we make we step on a bunch of tall grass got me so many times because I thought it was the deer's steps right next to me. Also, I don't know if it's intended or not but it's really stressful how loud the boat is whenever we are repairing it, and it take so long to fill up the bar, I was just terrified to miss the noises of an incoming crawler, so it's really effective ! There's just 2 small things I noticed ;

  • The song on the main menu doesn't loop, it just ends abruptly and leave us with nature ambiant. I don't know if it's a voluntary choice or not, it just surprised me when I was afk on the main menu.
  • When we are using the well, I noticed an additional noise that I can't describe. I don't know if it's the sound of birds singing far away in the background, or the well squeaking as we use it. It's not bothering at all, just sharing in case it wasn't intended to be like that !

The visuals :

I absolutely love it ! The 2D models in a 3D world, the colors, the artstyle, everything fits the theme and atmosphere so well, it's incredible ! All the animations are also so clean and fluid too, it's unique and I love it !

The crow :

Really loveable, I love how the caws have been arranged to simulate them talking at the beginning, it's pretty cool ! I was thinking a lot about this crow, mostly because I would've love to see them a bit more. In a way their job of bringing stuffs to pick up is really helpful, and if it's always the same one bringing everything, then I would understand that it's not possible to do anything more with them. I would've loved to see the crow keep an eye on us from the rooftop of the house, sometimes giving us a bit of advice, or just some piece of thoughts. I love the idea of the game being wordless except the tutorial, but at the same time, having the crow being the only one that can talk is also an idea that I like. And to keep that feeling of wordless gameplay, maybe they could just have very few words of dialogue in game, maybe just enough to create an opening for some lore behind our character and why is this crow helping us ! But at the same time, since the deer appear right after the first night, I could understand that the crow doesn't want to stick around. So just leaving my thoughts here in case it can be useful.

The monsters :

All of them are incredibles ! And even if they seem like concepts already well known (clowns, wendigo, etc...), I still feel like they were created in a very unique way here ! I'm also really thankful that all of them make their appearances right in the first day and first night, I stayed so stressed and in alert that maybe another monster or another deer will end up appearing after few nights, but luckily nothing like that ! 

  • The crawler : Even tho it's a simple and common mechanic, its appearance is really what made it so special to me. During my first playtrough I just casually walked into my house and waited, and when I saw it crawl rapidly near my house and bang my door, it left me horrified ! It looks like it's straight up from a nightmare, and even tho the visuals of the game already have a dark spooky feeling, I was still not ready for something that nightmarish.
  • The shadow under the bed : This one really got me good. It took me 2 tries to understand how its spawning worked (I died the second time because I accidentally summoned it at the same time a crawler was about to appear), it's still a really east to catch and clever way ! We're not safe anywhere at all, and it's pretty chilling to realize that, I love it !
  • The clowns : I really love how their mechanic work ! I find that wholesome in a way that we are the one delivering a gift from one clown to another to comfort them ! But it's really difficult to locate them, I needed high quality headphones to correctly track the music. And btw, I love the detail of being able to hear the clown wind up the music box ! For me, it was a cute but really fear inducing moment, especially once the deer was roaming around. If I didn't had time to locate it before the music box started to play, I was just terrified of accidentally running into it.
  • The deer : Oh yeah, I really need to talk about it... It's one of the greatest idea I ever saw in a horror game. I really felt non-stop tracked, it's literally that famous immortal snail meme, but more horrifying because of how quick it moves once it turns into a wendigo. I tried the strategy of pissing it off in front of my door, and then run inside immediately, I thought it will run into the woods like the crawler. I was horrified when I finally understood that it was NEVER going to leave the farm AT ALL.  Pretty sure it's gonna hunt me in my nightmares now, 100/10, best idea ever for this game.
  • The random screamers : I usually think that screamers are just cheap and boring scares, but in this context they were a great idea. I got the shadow in the well, and a zoom on a crawler passing quickly in the woods, I don't know if there are any others, but they are really effective. I got really scared thinking I just discovered a new monster that was about to chase me, really good execution !

The gameplay :

It's easy to understand and to keep going, honestly just like everything I wrote above, my whole experience about it was highly positive ! I just wanted to add this part to give some suggestions that crossed my mind :

  • I love the idea of being able to customize our avatar's colors, and I think it would be really cool if we could even customize more things, like our interior ! Just the downside I find to that, is that time keep going while we are customizing, and so I'm doing my changes as quick as possible to avoid summoning the shadow. So I just feel like the game would be more enjoyable if we were able to have a small moment where we can just take a breath and customize some stuffs. Also, it's a bit sad that we can't try on the colors before buying them, I feel even more in a rush. 
  • I really love the idea of not being safe anywhere, it makes us even more tensed and alert. But I was also thinking, it would be nice to have the possibility to get a breath without pausing the whole game. So how about maybe multiple gamemodes ? So we can keep this current one that is really amazing, and once we're able to finish it we could unlock other gamemodes ! Like a more endless one that would be more based around settling there instead of running away in our boat (maybe at the new location where we go with our boat ?), build defenses against the monsters (befriending the clowns ?(pls)), expand the farm, maybe even explore ? With a way to save our game, and maybe even temporary shelter to catch a breath, like sleeping a bit in a tent, but it end up falling apart to force us to always find ways to survive. Overall, developping more the farming part of the game ! With still the danger of course, it would be like an alone, horrific survival Stardew Valley-like. 
  • (Also adding something I noticed with the death screen. I don't know it it's intentional or not but the game just keep going with out character dead on the ground. I got killed by the clown at night who stayed next to me, and as I stayed afk a bit I could see my lantern run out, the crawler come and attack me, then the deer appearing, walking towards me, turn into a wendigo and eat my body, all the monsters ended up stuck around me either doing their killing animation or just staying there)

This game is by far one of my favorite now, and I will gladly play it again and follow any future update. To all the people who participated to it, you did an amazing job !


hello this game is good but one thing i just want the move is Z Q S D i like this mode of move thank you

Hey, j'imagine que tu parles français si tu utilises un AZERTY ? (if you don't speak french, sorry then, just let me know and I'll translate '^^).

Les anglophones ont un clavier QWERTY, si les touches W A S D sont toujours utilisées pour les jeux anglophones, c'est parce que ce sont les touches qui sont au même endroit que Z Q S D pour nous utilisateurs de AZERTY. 

Vu que beaucoup de jeux sur ne proposent pas de changer les contrôles un par un, tu peux utiliser 2 solutions :

  • Utilise ta manette si le jeu est compatible pour (Pumpkin Panic l'est, et je trouve perso que le jeu est plus facile avec manette)
  • Change la langue de ton clavier dans les paramètres (je recommende Anglais US). Tu pourras facilement switcher d'une langue à l'autre en bas à droite de ton écran, comme ça si un jeu n'a pas de contrôles changeable, tu switch simplement à un clavier anglais et tu pourras utiliser Z Q S D normalement !
(1 edit) (+1)

ok merci pour l'aide


I absolutely love this game. The concept is great! My own curiosity got me killed multiple times!




This game is SO GOOD! I really hope you will be updating it further!


what type of game is this 3d or 2d beacause i wanna make one like this


Im pretty sure its isometric

thanks but i mean how its 3d but the charters 2d


Just a completely normal farming sim! Great work dude, made some original artwork based on some of the characters

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