It took FOREVER but I finally managed to beat nightmare mode, does anyone know how to get the bat as a pet? I found it in the top left and bottom right but idk where it goes afterwards
This game is really good! However I encountered a problem that was really frustrating to me. The deer can just stop outside your door, making it impossible to leave without aggravating it. And with the clowns and the shadow pumpkin, this becomes a huge issue. But overall, that's the only complaint I have.
I DO NOT LIKE HORROR GAMES, but this game is actually really good. I mix of survival, horror, rpg, cozy...I will definitely continue playing Pumpkin Panic until I beat it. Thank you @bilalaik
It plays on linux pretty well with wine and even better if you add a non-steam game to your Steam library and run it with proton. There is also a steam version now that works great on linux!
hey I need some help I can't get past the fiirst night because that scarecrow thing keeps busting into my house and killing me. how do I stop that from happening?
I just want the bat pet, but only found it in 2 places. What more do you want from me??? (I pet it in the left of the cabin, and in the right low, where else?? because I max level up the light and didn't find it xddd)
What a disappointing update. At beginning of nightmare mode wee have to find the diamond or whatever kind of stone or gem it is which is pretty much just luck, then we have this skinwalker that we don't get warned about so basically our run can end at any point without any warning at all. This is literally a luck based diffuclty. There are positives like having a pet crow, having particles when clown music plays, but nightmare idiffculty is so luck based it's not fun. I'd rather play something that is skill based than luck based.
Yes Crawler can be dodged only if you set a timer and learn the spawn time. That's kinda sad but we will work like this if we are forced no? Ofc he will come with an improve regarding this case.
I triedthat already, the spawn for that monster is more incosistent than my grades at schoo lol. But no resiously, this is more luck based now than skill based, it's not fun anymore. I also heard from somewhere that there will be no more updates, not sure if this is truth. But if it is, this final update isn't that good honestly. It owuld've ben better if more monsters came, that we as a player needed different ways of dealing with them, but skillfully. Expanding the map potentionally as well, but we get this. I am disappointed, I hope the dev fixes this and makes nightmare mode. And no I will not finish the nightmare mode and the reason for that is because my run can end at any point fbecause of that one monster that randomly pops out of nowhere and kills me randomly.
For me the speedrun timer work well, but request no skill to use it except learn the game, is true that it's the only counter for this foe. Hope developer will check comments.
I hope so too. I as a player shouldn't have to set up an external timer to defeat a monster or monsters. And the nightmare mode being more luck based than skill based is the biggest issue for me. I like the pets, I think those additions are fine, but that monster is now too op as it can randomly kill you at any point. I don't know why the timer works for you, I tried using a timer and the monster sometimes comes after 2 minutes after it left or before 2 minutes and I can't really deal with that. I hope for a better update, but right now it seems like normal difficulty will be more fun and better.
That's my biggest issue with the game. It's so incossistent you can't use a timer properly for it. And then when you do try to play, that monster can just randomly come and ruin your run. No warning, nothing. I was literally at green farmland thing and I heard him coming, even then I wasn't able to make it back to the house because of how fast the monster is and because of no warning. The removal of warning was definetly a mistake.
There was new update and the game still has the same issue. I keep dying to that skinwalker because he is faster than me. Again, no warning at all and I just die in nightmare mode. There's nothing I can do about it. Even after skinwalker was slwon down, he is still able to either cut me off or to make it to me and kill me before I make it to the house. The game still has the issue and slowing down the skinwalker didn't solvei t.
This game is so fun and so terrifying in a lot of ways. I love the farming aspect of it and how I need to always be on my toes just because I wanna have a successful business :( Perfect game for the Spooky season, and I hate the Wendigo. If you'd like to watch a full playthrough of this game ^-^
I love your game so much and hope to see more games like this in the future, its so cute and creepy keeping me toes, I don't know if you have other plays for the game and just wanted to say that it is amazing and i could play for hours. <3
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Wish there was a version for Macbooks. 😔
I fell in love with this game since last year! and so did the Twodays family, going to be streaming it on TikTok today - TwodaysTuesdaysOfficial -
or feel free to check out my first two playthroughs
Thank you for updating this fire game!!!!!!
Pumpkin panics nightmare mode update!!!!!Show post...
Watch this!I watched Charlie Barley play this and now I'm OBSESSED
It took FOREVER but I finally managed to beat nightmare mode, does anyone know how to get the bat as a pet? I found it in the top left and bottom right but idk where it goes afterwards
I will continue playing this perfect game
this is very good. it be cool if it had like a sort of story mode instead of being just endless mode but regardless i still like it
This game is really good! However I encountered a problem that was really frustrating to me. The deer can just stop outside your door, making it impossible to leave without aggravating it. And with the clowns and the shadow pumpkin, this becomes a huge issue. But overall, that's the only complaint I have.
i love this game <3
¿Quien diría que tener mi propia granja sería tan aterrador? Pasa a mirar mi gameplay en español y pasa un gran rato de sustos y diversión:D
Works so good with a xbox controller
There does appear to be a settings bug - I have a 1440p monitor and the only resolution I can select is native when in fullscreen.
Please add linux!!!
It plays on linux pretty well with wine and even better if you add a non-steam game to your Steam library and run it with proton. There is also a steam version now that works great on linux!
yeah, I I did that earlier it worked thanks anyway
But I do agree more games with native linux support would be nice, I do nearly all my gaming on it!
hey I need some help I can't get past the fiirst night because that scarecrow thing keeps busting into my house and killing me. how do I stop that from happening?
I just want the bat pet, but only found it in 2 places. What more do you want from me??? (I pet it in the left of the cabin, and in the right low, where else?? because I max level up the light and didn't find it xddd)
What a disappointing update. At beginning of nightmare mode wee have to find the diamond or whatever kind of stone or gem it is which is pretty much just luck, then we have this skinwalker that we don't get warned about so basically our run can end at any point without any warning at all. This is literally a luck based diffuclty. There are positives like having a pet crow, having particles when clown music plays, but nightmare idiffculty is so luck based it's not fun. I'd rather play something that is skill based than luck based.
Yes Crawler can be dodged only if you set a timer and learn the spawn time. That's kinda sad but we will work like this if we are forced no? Ofc he will come with an improve regarding this case.
I'm not disappointed by the update.
I triedthat already, the spawn for that monster is more incosistent than my grades at schoo lol. But no resiously, this is more luck based now than skill based, it's not fun anymore. I also heard from somewhere that there will be no more updates, not sure if this is truth. But if it is, this final update isn't that good honestly. It owuld've ben better if more monsters came, that we as a player needed different ways of dealing with them, but skillfully. Expanding the map potentionally as well, but we get this. I am disappointed, I hope the dev fixes this and makes nightmare mode. And no I will not finish the nightmare mode and the reason for that is because my run can end at any point fbecause of that one monster that randomly pops out of nowhere and kills me randomly.
For me the speedrun timer work well, but request no skill to use it except learn the game, is true that it's the only counter for this foe. Hope developer will check comments.
I hope so too. I as a player shouldn't have to set up an external timer to defeat a monster or monsters. And the nightmare mode being more luck based than skill based is the biggest issue for me. I like the pets, I think those additions are fine, but that monster is now too op as it can randomly kill you at any point. I don't know why the timer works for you, I tried using a timer and the monster sometimes comes after 2 minutes after it left or before 2 minutes and I can't really deal with that. I hope for a better update, but right now it seems like normal difficulty will be more fun and better.
In my experience it shows up nearly every 2 minutes. Sometimes its a minute 50 other times its a 2 minutes and 30 seconds or so.
That's my biggest issue with the game. It's so incossistent you can't use a timer properly for it. And then when you do try to play, that monster can just randomly come and ruin your run. No warning, nothing. I was literally at green farmland thing and I heard him coming, even then I wasn't able to make it back to the house because of how fast the monster is and because of no warning. The removal of warning was definetly a mistake.
There was new update and the game still has the same issue. I keep dying to that skinwalker because he is faster than me. Again, no warning at all and I just die in nightmare mode. There's nothing I can do about it. Even after skinwalker was slwon down, he is still able to either cut me off or to make it to me and kill me before I make it to the house. The game still has the issue and slowing down the skinwalker didn't solvei t.
I did a series on Pumpkin Panic and would love fans of the game to join me! Here is the first episode:
The whole series can be found here:
No way! He is alive!!!
Jay is gonna love this...
He already made 8 pumpkin panic videos
i think they meant the update lol
he just beat nightmare mode! so proud of him
I was so close to getting off the island when the wendigo killed me-
l'ho visto giocare da una streamer di nome Babbalucy e mi è piaciuto subito. davvero fantastico come gioco
This is such a fun game! I feel like it'd be really chaotic with multiplayer lol
I love the art style and mechanics!
I did a compilation video featuring your game!
Great Halloween themed game!! Very difficult but the idea is fantastic!
Find the gameplay on my channel, BEWARE of spoilers!
Made a part 2 to the last video and regretted it... still love this game but damn it's frustrating when I loose lol.
add multiplayer PLS
gonna continue playin this, but overall I liked it sm!!
This game is so fun and so terrifying in a lot of ways. I love the farming aspect of it and how I need to always be on my toes just because I wanna have a successful business :(
Perfect game for the Spooky season, and I hate the Wendigo.
If you'd like to watch a full playthrough of this game ^-^
I loved the game had me paranoid af about everything lol. This must be what the cabbage guy from ATLA felt like...
Bro this game is awesome but I'm just sooooo bad at playing video games :(
amazing game love the art stye and everything i give it a 7/10 on how hard it is very spooky as well would recommend
I love your game so much and hope to see more games like this in the future, its so cute and creepy keeping me toes, I don't know if you have other plays for the game and just wanted to say that it is amazing and i could play for hours. <3
hello im a small spanish streamer, I just wanted to ask if I can make a video of your game. ^^
whats your channel i want to sub